1-on-1 Nutrition, Movement, and Mindset Coaching for busy grown ups who are ready to become their fittest, healthiest, most confident selves.

Currently accepting a small number of new coaching clients.

This 3-month coaching program is for the person who knows that they need to make big changes for their health and has tried (over and over) but struggles with making those changes stick.

Does this sound familiar?

  • ​You’re busy — which makes it hard to eat healthily and work out consistently.

  • ​You’re tired of restricting and feeling deprived of the food you actually want to eat.

  • You’ve recently received a diagnosis and you’re worried about your health.

  • You know what you ‘should’ be doing, but you struggle to follow through.

  • ​You're feeling uncomfortable with the way your body looks and feels.

  • ​You've struggled with emotional eating or stress eating.

The solution to changing the way you look and feel is not to eat less, work harder, and have more “willpower”.

There’s a better way. Working with me is different, let me show you how.

When you work with me you’ll get the support, accountability & guidance you need to thrive.

Coaching is for you if you’re ready to…

Improve your health through small simple daily actions.

Feel confident knowing you’re eating and acting in a way that’s balanced and fits into your life so that you can feel better, have more energy & THRIVE.

Ditch diet culture & perfectionism.

Get ready to eat in a way that’s sustainable, sane & for life. Learn how your favorite foods can be enjoyed anytime, without a sense of urgency & restriction. Learn to trust your inner wisdom, which tells you when, what, and how much to eat. And when appropriate tools provide more structure in order to reach body weight.

Get support & accountability from a coach who cares about you

I’m available 5 days a week for guidance, encouragement, and troubleshooting, plus you’ll get the live 1-on-1 support you need to get the best results of your life.

Go ALL IN on yourself.

This is about long-term sustainable change so that you can finally become the person you imagine!

Follow a co-created plan structured for your long-term success

Learn the proven skills and simple, daily practices that help you eat well, move more, practice healthy lifestyle habits and reach your goals — backed by research and years of experience.

Change the way you think.

Change happens from the inside out, starting with how you think! Be ready to change what’s going on in your mind so that you can finally BE the person you imagine!

 Imagine if you could…

  • learn to honor your health without the diet culture nonsense.

  • trust your body to tell you when, how much, and what to eat.

  • stop relying on willpower and instead have the tools and habits in place to stick with your healthy habits.

  • improve your overall health by practicing health-promoting behaviors - like self-care, better sleep, less stress, hydration, and joyful movement.

  • become the 2.0 version in a way that’s compassionate and evidence-based.

Hi there! I’m Janna (pronounced ‘Yana’)…

I’m a mama & outdoorsy free spirit who has way too much backpacking gear. I love to get lost in a good fantasy drama. 🐉

Over the years, major life changes (such as having 2 kiddos, a pandemic, etc) shifted my priorities.

Some of the habits I picked up weren’t working to support my long-term health.

I was ready to FEEL like myself again…

Actually (as I approached my 40th birthday) I was ready to become the next version of myself.

Today, my health habits help me feel strong, energetic, and like I’m doing what I can to live a long life.

I know you value health. I also know that you want to grow and thrive.

With my support you can prioritize your health through habit-based, evidence-backed strategies so that you can become the NEXT version of YOU.

Plant Based Nutritionist

Board Certified Health Coach | Behavior Change Expert

Ready to work toghether?

If you’re wondering how health coaching even works

Here’s what to expect:

1. Book a free consult.

We talk about your goals and life. We get a chance to know each other. And if it feels like a good fit for both of us we move forward.

2. Schedule your 60-Min Foundation Session

We start with a 60-minute 1:1 meeting where we’ll get clear on what your vision of your future self is and begin to map out the journey. We explore your current strengths, challenges, and lifestyle.

3. Continuing your journey

You’ll have weekly contact with me. (Frequency and type depend on which package you choose). You’ll fill out a review of your week, and get feedback, coaching, and support on whatever YOU are going through & working towards.

4. Additional support

I’m available 5 days a week for guidance, encouragement, and troubleshooting. You’ll have everything you need at your fingertips!

Different packages for different budgets and needs…

I also know that people have different levels of support that they need.


Weekly check-ins


Minimum 3-month commitment

What’s included:

  • 60-min Foundation Session to map out a vision of your future self so that we know exactly who you want to become.

  • Weekly written check-ins with coaching response from me.

  • Real-time support + feedback (weekdays, 24-hour turn around time) as you go through your week.

  • Homework assignments as needed including evidence-based activities, worksheets, and tools to help you build tangible change skills.

Who this is for:

  • This is great if you’re on a budget or feel pretty confident on your own, you just need a little bit of support and feedback.


Bi-weekly live calls


Minimum 3-month commitment

What’s included:

  • 60-min Foundation Session to map out a vision of your future self so that we know exactly who you want to become.

  • 1:1 30-min live coaching every two weeks to establish, refine, and troubleshooting practices.

  • Weekly written check-ins with coaching a response from me.

  • Real-time support + feedback (weekdays, 24-hour turnaround time) as you go through your week.

  • Homework assignments and resources as needed including evidence-based activities, worksheets, and tools to help you build tangible change skills.

Who this is for:

  • ODYSSEY is where I recommend people start! This is for the person who is ready to see real, tangible changes in their behavior and habits. 

    If you struggle with consistency, this is where you’ll thrive – the weekly support is KEY to making behaviors and changes really stick!


Weekly live calls


Minimum 3-month commitment

What’s included:

  • 60-min Foundation Session to map out a vision of your future self so that we know exactly who you want to become.

  • 1:1 30-min live coaching every week to establish, refine, and trouble-shoot practices.

  • Real-time support + feedback (weekdays, 24-hour turnaround time) as you go through your week.

  • Homework assignments as needed including evidence-based activities, worksheets, and tools to help you build tangible change skills.

Who this is for:

  • VIP is for those who are ready to go deep & make big changes. This is for you if you’re craving a health overhaul and like more support.

    Be prepared to show up and do the work. This is an intensive experience.

A recap of what’s included…

60-Min Foundation Session to map out a vision of your future self so that we know exactly who you want to become. We start to co-create a plan for how to get you from where you are to where you want to be.

12 or 6, 30-min 1:1 coaching sessions (Plus & VIP only) where we cover a specific topic that’s pre-planned or feels important in the moment so that you can confidently move forward in your intuitively plant-based journey.

Weekly written check ins (Light & Plus only) with coaching response from me.

Additional support via Voxer or email week days. I respond within 24-hours. The real work happens between sessions, so I want you to be able to get feedback, support, and encouragement throughout the week.

Video trainings, worksheet activities & journaling prompts throughout the week as needed to deepen your knowledge & practice.

 This is for you if want…

  • To change your health behavior habits and see your health markers change for the better? Ie. lower blood pressure, cholesterol, A1C, etc.

  • To stop relying on willpower and motivation and instead have the tools and habits in place to help you follow through.

  • To gain, maintain or lose weight permanently and sustainably. You’re ready to take an evidence-backed, long-term approach to reach your goals.

  • To feel confident about how to incorporate better nutrition, movement, and other health-promoting lifestyle practices into your unique life.

  • Accountability to reach those big goals such as running your first 5k, marathon, powerlifting meet, or overnight backpacking trip.

  • Personalized support from a compassionate & empathetic board-certified health coach & behavior change expert.

    Are you ready to go ALL in on yourself?

Support and accountability are KEY to long-term change.

Some people can reach their goals on their own, but if you’ve found that going it alone doesn’t work for you — let me help.

I am dedicated to one thing — providing you with the best support possible, delivered with compassion and care. I call this my “whole person” approach.

I get to know you on a personal level: What foods do you dislike? What’s your home life like? Your pet’s names? What do you hope to get out of the coaching program?

Over the 3+-month program, we work together to create your action plan to reach your goals in a way that feels enjoyable and sustainable.

I equip you with the skills you need to achieve your specific health and fitness goals and sustain them over time — no matter what life throws your way.

You’ve read the entire page and you’re intrigued!

Have Questions?

I’m here to support you in the best way possible!

If you have any questions about how coaching works or what to expect